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We all want to lead a balanced lifestyle with healthy minds and bodies, whilst treating ourselves to new and exciting experiences.
Healthy Mind
Healthy Body
Fun & Fulfilment
However, most of us struggle to achieve a balanced life.
25% experience mental health illness every year​
80% have back pain in their lifetime
63% are overweight or obese
30% feel that they have a poor work-life balance
Each year, poor wellbeing costs workplaces £1,500 per employee. Workplaces need an effective wellbeing platform.
Businesses want to help and recognise the value that wellbeing and rewards can provide.
84% of customers stick with brands that use rewards schemes. Businesses need cutting-edge rewards scheme technology.
But it's not easy to set up effective wellbeing and rewards schemes.
They're costly and complex to deliver​
It's challenging to implement technology
- Engagement & retention is difficult to build
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